Live the Life You Were Born to Live
Know How You Are Gifted; Discover Your Passion
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. C. G. Jung
Welcome to Life Atlas!
Life Atlas is dedicated to helping you live your best life—a life driven by enthusiasm and guided by a profound sense of purpose.
Our flagship resource, the Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI), is the first fully validated assessment in 100 years to accurately reflect C. G. Jung’s original theory of eight psychological types. We call these types “gifts,” for each encompasses unique aptitudes.
Beyond the GCI, our other instruments and resources are designed to help you discover a passionate life path, regardless of age. As you grow personally, build confidence in your gifts, and explore new interests, Life Atlas will be your steadfast online companion, supporting your ongoing personal development.
We believe living your best life means evolving into the unique individual you were born to be. C. G. Jung referred to this process as individuation, while others call it self-actualization. Our mission is to support you in becoming your true, unique self.
Explore our resources and join our community to start your journey today.

Welcome to Life Atlas!
Life Atlas is dedicated to helping you live your best life—a life driven by enthusiasm and guided by a profound sense of purpose. Just as an atlas guides travelers, Life Atlas provides the tools and resources to navigate your personal life journey.
Our flagship resource is a compass—the Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI). It is the first fully validated assessment in 100 years to accurately reflect C. G. Jung’s original theory of eight psychological types. We call these types “gifts,” for each encompasses unique aptitudes.
Beyond the GCI, our other instruments and resources are designed to help you discover a passionate life path, regardless of age. As you grow personally, build confidence in your gifts, and explore new interests, Life Atlas will be your steadfast online companion, supporting your ongoing personal development.
We believe living your best life means evolving into the unique individual you were born to be. C. G. Jung referred to this process as individuation, while others call it self-actualization. Our mission is to support you in becoming your true, unique self.
Explore our resources and join our community to start your journey today.
We believe that life is an ever-evolving adventure. Rooted in the values of curiosity, empowerment, and community, we offer a diverse range of resources, insights, and inspiration that support you in charting your own unique path.
Like a virtual atlas, we provide knowledge and insights to help you craft a life story that resonates with your fondest dreams and deepest aspirations.
The first step on that journey is self-awareness.
- To help you understand yourself more thoroughly, to know how you are uniquely gifted, we offer the Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI).
- To gain a clearer sense of what you could be passionate about, we offer the Discover Your Passion assessment.
- To help you know where your gifts can be applied in the world of work, we offer the Work Profile suite of tools.
- To connect you with professionals trained as coaches and psychologists, we offer the Life Atlas Consultant Network.
- To support your lifelong pursuit of personal growth and self-actualization, we offer articles, tutorials, podcasts, and seminars.
We will not put you in a personality category. Rather, we offer profiles tailored to your unique gifts, interests, and aspirations. Our tools and resources will be available to you for the rest of your life. Use and reuse them as often as you like.
We are your dedicated companions on the journey of personal growth and exploration.
Take the first step to self-awareness. Learn how you are gifted with the Gifts Compass Inventory.

"How could Life Atlas help me?"
The Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI) will help you find your “super power”—those gifts that come most naturally to you.
Especially in the first half of life, engaging your best gifts will help build your self-confidence and skill. These are the gifts that you ought to engage in your work. Follow your enthusiasm for them and let them guide you to work you can love.
Your gifts are clues to the life you are being called to, but they can be a bit like water to a fish. They have been with you so long, you may hardly know they are there. Daydreaming, for example, may distract you from getting practical things done and can therefore be seen as negative. But did you know that daydreaming is an indication that you likely possess highly creative and imaginative gifts? J. K. Rowling was daydreaming on a train one day and saw the whole idea for Harry Potter in her imagination. If not for her daydreaming, we may never have learned the difference between a wizard and a muggle!
The GCI will help to clarify how you are naturally gifted, but who you are, the unique person (or personality) you are, is far greater than your gifts. A central aim of life is to unify the many disparate elements of who you are. As you do, you will naturally begin to circumnavigate the whole compass of gifts.
That unification of personality—a process that Carl Jung called individuation—occurs naturally, but it helps if we are paying attention. It is easy to impede our own growth to a unified personality.
If we exalt our “ego identity”—that is become self-important about who we are or what we have achieved, then we have stalled the process of individuation. There is a big difference between a strong ego and an inflated one. If we inflate our self-importance, we will suffer for it, for it is literally true that “He who exalts himself will be humbled.”
Have you ever heard the term “opposites attract?” We often find ourselves matched with people who have opposite gifts to our own. If you follow your heart, they may follow their head. If you are imaginative, they may be explorers. It seems to be an unconscious way of drawing us into intimate relationships that “complete” us, that induce us to grow toward greater wholeness.
Our friendships are usually with those who share many of our own gifts. You will often have the same compass heading or orientation as your close friends. You might enjoy deep conversations with people who share your values if you favor the Lover Heading, or, if you favor the Explore Orientation, you may enjoy adventurous outings with friends who, like you, love to boldly experience new places and people.
In any relationship, knowing more about how you are each oriented to life experience can help you better understand each other. You can connect through your similarities and have more patience and acceptance with your differences.
Carl Jung famously noted, “No one individuates on Mount Everest.” Relationships are an indispensable ingredient to personal growth.
A career direction often starts in school. But choosing a major, or a path of continued education, can be difficult. With so many career possibilities, it can feel overwhelming to make a decision and narrow down your options.
Before investing in a focused education, invest in some important self exploration. Understand how you are naturally gifted with the GCI, and then see where your gifts can best be engaged in the world of work.
The Discover Your Passion assessment will help clarify those pursuits that are consistent with your gifts, interests, and your deeply felt aspiration. With that clear, use the “match” button in the Work Profile Database to broaden your horizon of the careers consistent with your gifts, then look at the Comparative Report to see who well your gifts correspond to the work.
We spend a tremendous chunk of our lives at work. The quality of our work lives effects our health, well being, relationships, and happiness. It is important for all of us to find work we can feel good about.
Before you launch your next job search, put in the time for self exploration. Developing career aspirations grounded in your best gifts, strongest interests, and most deeply felt aspirations will pay off with lifetime rewards. Expect higher job satisfaction and overall well being as you shape a career path consistent with who you are at your core.
The Life Atlas Program can help you understand your gifts, explore careers that use those gifts, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose. Don’t waste time doing unfulfilling work. You have gifts to share with the world. It’s time to do the work that you were meant to do.
Do you find that you are bored or dreading to go to work? You are not alone. Surveys indicate that more than 60% of the people in the workforce are unhappy with their job. Boredom or undue stress are key signs that you may be better suited for something else. The Life Atlas Program is designed to help you identify your strengths, ignite your enthusiasm, and find work that is right for you.
Clarify your strengths and walk in with confidence.
It is crucial to be able to talk about your strengths in an interview. The GCI can help clarify where you are most gifted and provide language needed to talk about those gifts. With that self-knowledge, you can go to any job interview feeling confident about the value you could bring to the work.
Be prepared and get that job!
A job loss turns your world upside down. It can be hard to see through the fog to see your next step. You are probably asking yourself a lot of questions.
The Life Atlas suite of tools will help you identify your strengths and then see where they can best be applied. You might find that the field you are in now is only one of your options for employment. Take your first step in a new direction with Life Atlas.
If you have worked for many years, it might feel disconcerting to enter a time when your work no longer defines you. It may feel like an awkward and unfamiliar “new normal.”
Free of some of the restrictions and responsibilities of work, you can begin to consider what you most enjoy and what brings meaning and happiness to your life. If you are fortunate to have grandchildren, they can be a source of delight. Yet, you may not want the title of “grandparent” to define who you are.
You have acquired much knowledge, wisdom, and maturity over the course of your life. They can continue be the foundation for a vital and fruitful life.
What brings your life purpose, delight, and enjoyment? We offer instruments that can help you answer that question. Turn your attention to the life that is beckoning you. Complete the Discover Your Passion exercise. It has changed many lives for the better. It can change yours.

"How could Life Atlas help me?"
The Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI) will help you find your “super power”—those gifts that come most naturally to you.
Especially in the first half of life, engaging your best gifts will help build your self-confidence and skill. These are the gifts that you ought to engage in your work. Follow your enthusiasm for them and let them guide you to work you can love.
Your gifts are clues to the life you are being called to, but they can be a bit like water to a fish. They have been with you so long, you may hardly know they are there. Daydreaming, for example, may distract you from getting practical things done and can therefore be seen as negative. But did you know that daydreaming is an indication that you likely possess highly creative and imaginative gifts? J. K. Rowling was daydreaming on a train one day and saw the whole idea for Harry Potter in her imagination. If not for her daydreaming, we may never have learned the difference between a wizard and a muggle!
The GCI will help to clarify how you are naturally gifted, but who you are, the unique person (or personality) you are, is far greater than your gifts. A central aim of life is to unify the many disparate elements of who you are. As you do, you will naturally begin to circumnavigate the whole compass of gifts.
That unification of personality—a process that Carl Jung called individuation—occurs naturally, but it helps if we are paying attention. It is easy to impede our own growth to a unified personality.
If we exalt our “ego identity”—that is become self-important about who we are or what we have achieved, then we have stalled the process of individuation. There is a big difference between a strong ego and an inflated one. If we inflate our self-importance, we will suffer for it, for it is literally true that “He who exalts himself will be humbled.”
Have you ever heard the term “opposites attract?” We often find ourselves matched with people who have opposite gifts to our own. If you follow your heart, they may follow their head. If you are imaginative, they may be explorers. It seems to be an unconscious way of drawing us into intimate relationships that “complete” us, that induce us to grow toward greater wholeness.
Our friendships are usually with those who share many of our own gifts. You will often have the same compass heading or orientation as your close friends. You might enjoy deep conversations with people who share your values if you favor the Lover Heading, or, if you favor the Explore Orientation, you may enjoy adventurous outings with friends who, like you, love to boldly experience new places and people.
In any relationship, knowing more about how you are each oriented to life experience can help you better understand each other. You can connect through your similarities and have more patience and acceptance with your differences.
Carl Jung famously noted, “No one individuates on Mount Everest.” Relationships are an indispensable ingredient to personal growth.
A career direction often starts in school. But choosing a major, or a path of continued education, can be difficult. With so many career possibilities, it can feel overwhelming to make a decision and narrow down your options.
Before investing in a focused education, invest in some important self exploration. Understand how you are naturally gifted with the GCI, and then see where your gifts can best be engaged in the world of work.
The Discover Your Passion assessment will help clarify those pursuits that are consistent with your gifts, interests, and your deeply felt aspiration. With that clear, use the “match” button in the Work Profile Database to broaden your horizon of the careers consistent with your gifts, then look at the Comparative Report to see who well your gifts correspond to the work.
We spend a tremendous chunk of our lives at work. The quality of our work lives effects our health, well being, relationships, and happiness. It is important for all of us to find work we can feel good about.
Before you launch your next job search, put in the time for self exploration. Developing career aspirations grounded in your best gifts, strongest interests, and most deeply felt aspirations will pay off with lifetime rewards. Expect higher job satisfaction and overall well being as you shape a career path consistent with who you are at your core.
The Life Atlas Program can help you understand your gifts, explore careers that use those gifts, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose. Don’t waste time doing unfulfilling work. You have gifts to share with the world. It’s time to do the work that you were meant to do.
Do you find that you are bored or dreading to go to work? You are not alone. Surveys indicate that more than 60% of the people in the workforce are unhappy with their job. Boredom or undue stress are key signs that you may be better suited for something else. The Life Atlas Program is designed to help you identify your strengths, ignite your enthusiasm, and find work that is right for you.
Clarify your strengths and walk in with confidence.
It is crucial to be able to talk about your strengths in an interview. The GCI can help clarify where you are most gifted and provide language needed to talk about those gifts. With that self-knowledge, you can go to any job interview feeling confident about the value you could bring to the work.
Be prepared and get that job!
A job loss turns your world upside down. It can be hard to see through the fog to see your next step. You are probably asking yourself a lot of questions.
The Life Atlas suite of tools will help you identify your strengths and then see where they can best be applied. You might find that the field you are in now is only one of your options for employment. Take your first step in a new direction with Life Atlas.
If you have worked for many years, it might feel disconcerting to enter a time when your work no longer defines you. It may feel like an awkward and unfamiliar “new normal.”
Free of some of the restrictions and responsibilities of work, you can begin to consider what you most enjoy and what brings meaning and happiness to your life. If you are fortunate to have grandchildren, they can be a source of delight. Yet, you may not want the title of “grandparent” to define who you are.
You have acquired much knowledge, wisdom, and maturity over the course of your life. They can continue be the foundation for a vital and fruitful life.
What brings your life purpose, delight, and enjoyment? We offer instruments that can help you answer that question. Turn your attention to the life that is beckoning you. Complete the Discover Your Passion exercise. It has changed many lives for the better. It can change yours.
The Life Atlas Program

Gifts Compass Inventory
The Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI) is an online self-assessment that identifies your best gifts. Derived from C.G. Jung’s original model of psychological types, it is used by psychologists and counselors world-wide.

Discover Your Passion
This assessment will walk you through a series of steps to clarify the work that is consistent with your strengths, your interests, and your heartfelt values.

Work Profile Tools
Assess the gifts needed in any work, or the work you are doing now, to see how well you are suited for the work. Browse our free Work Profile Database to see which gifts are used most in your potential careers of interest.
What are my gifts?
Let’s find out.
Get started by taking the Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI).

What are my gifts?
Let’s find out.
Get started by taking the Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI).
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Join our mailing list to gain insights, ideas, and inspiration for living life well.

For Schools
Use our assessments to help students choose a fulfilling college major or career path.

For Practitioners
We offer a training for you to use these instruments with your clients.

For Organizations
Better understand your employees, and improve communication among team members.