Resource: Life Atlas Consultant Network
Our Network Of Professionals
We have trained over 130 consultants from around the globe who offer professional services to support your journey toward fuller self-actualization. You will find some of them here.
Gustavo Pessoa

Psychologist, MSc., Trained Jungian Analyst
Languages: Portuguese, English
Gustavo Pessoa is a Brazilian psychologist, MSc., and a trained Jungian analyst. He has developed a career spanning over 15 years in both clinical psychology and organizational consulting. His interest in psychological types merges both his training in Jungian psychology and his assessment specialty in HR projects. He is based in São Paulo, Brazil and also works online with overseas clients.
Herberto Bergmann

Certified Gifts Compass Advisor since 2016, Psychotherapist and Psycho-Organic Coach.
Language: Portuguese, English and Spanish.
After thirty-six years as Engineer in the corporate world leading high-performance teams, I made the decision to delve deeper into the studies of the human psyche, and focus on helping people in their Mental Health, Self-Development, Strengthening and Objectives Achievement.
projects. He is based in São Paulo, Brazil and also works online with overseas clients
Priscila Santos

Depth Coaching with training in analytical psychology, NPEJ – Portuguese Center for Jungian Studies, Lisbon
Languages: Portuguese, English
Master practitioner in NLP, InPNL - International Institute of Neurolinguistic Programming, Lisbon
Applied Neuro Semantics, INAp - Institute of Applied Neurolinguistics, Lisbon
Integrative Systemic Coaching, Metaforum SommerCamp
Certified Life Atlas Consultant, Gifts Compass Inc
I am Brazilian, currently living in London, UK, where I dedicate my private practice of psychotherapy and depth coaching online. For the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to helping people who are looking for insights and new perspectives on themselves. I also facilitate group dynamics, talks and workshops on self-knowledge.
Enthusiastic about different approaches to observing the inner world, in my practice I combine insights from Jungian psychology, systemic dynamics and indigenous healing practices from Brazil.
I'm happy to help people transform their perspectives towards self-realization and bliss, facilitating them to access deep insights in order to achieve a life full of meaning, authenticity and joy of life.
Yannick Nkoumou

Senior Social and Behavior Change Consultant
Languages: French, English
'm a Senior Social and Behavior Change Consultant dedicated to driving positive transformation. I employ transdisciplinary approaches to design holistic behavior change initiatives. My journey led me to Jungian psychology and the transformative Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI), which clarifies strengths, development areas, and motivations.
Recognizing its immense value, I became a trained GCI Consultant and Advisor. Today, I blend modern methodologies with psychological wisdom to guide individuals and organizations toward their highest potential.
Join me on an inner journey to unlock your potential and build a brighter future from within.
Max Black

Jungian Analyst Diploma Candidate, C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich
Languages: English, German
Advanced Diploma, Center for Psychological Astrology, London
Certified Portfolio Manager (Finance), New York University
MA, Graphic Design and Advertising, School of Visual Arts, New York
BA, Art History, Boston University
I’m an American living in Berlin, Germany working as a psychoanalyst locally and online.
My love of design and branding led to a career as an advertising Creative Director in Manhattan during the first half of life. A life-long scholarship of mythology brought me to Liz Greene’s Center for Psychological Astrology, in London, where I was awarded an advanced diploma. My background as an artist and astrologer allow for a certain perspective into the symbolism in the unconscious. The view that elements of the cosmos symbolize the dynamics of the psyche, lead me to pursue formal Jungian psychoanalytical training.
During downtime I like to relax with restorative yoga, Dzogchen meditation and playing soccer with my family.
Hong Kong
Fanny Wing Fan Ko

Diploma Candidate, CG Jung Institute
Languages: Cantonese and English
KO Wing-Fan, Fanny is training at the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich, Switzerland in the area of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She is experienced in working with adults who have been affected by childhood traumas, grief and loss;and through exploring the unconscious aspects of their experiences have helped them to gain a better understanding of themselves and discovered new ways of being.
Fanny is also knowledgeable in working with children and adolescents who A and to mentor them in various ways using non-verbal communications and play therapies, particularly sandplay therapy, and to assist them in their self-development and to learn creative adaptive skills.
For the past 25 years Fanny has been active in providing services to children and adolescents particularly for those who have emotional issues and special needs. Since 2013, she has worked with young mothers to handle difficulties in motherhood;to understand their spouses for effective parenting;and to gain self-awareness in exploring their family of origins to become better parents. Fanny has recently expanded her work with hospice patients who suffer from chronic illnesses through addressing their existential concerns as the most immediate need.
Fanny received her MA (Parent Education) from the Chinese University and MA (Theology) from Fuller Theological Seminary, United States in 2016 and 2023 respectively. She has been at the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich since 2019. Born in Hong Kong and trained overseas, Fanny is fluent in English and Cantonese and has worked with adults, adolescents and children from diverse culture and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Fanny is currently taking cases under the supervision of leading psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and clinical practitioners from the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich. In addition, she is also receiving supervision in Hong Kong from a senior clinical psychologist with extensive clinical experience. Fanny is one of the few practitioners in Hong Kong who is under intensive training in the area of psychotherapy from a psychodynamic depth perspective. Fanny has been working with dream analysis and sandplay since 2013 and is particularly knowledgeable in the exploration of symbolic materials in the discovery of the unconscious process, which is essential to the unfolding of human potential and psychic development.
Dr. Claire Francica

Warranted Psychotherapist
Languages: Maltese, English
Dr. Claire Francica, DCPsych, is a private practitioner based in Malta and the founder of Bridging D'Vision and the Malta Jungian Sandplay Society. She holds a doctorate in Counselling Psychology and Existential Psychotherapy from Middlesex University and is a registered clinical supervisor. She has also gained training in play therapy (PTUK) and Jungian sandplay therapy (BISS). Her fields of interest are working with children and adolescents experiencing an early onset of mental health issues, complex trauma, attachment difficulties and alienating behaviours. After gaining specialised training in treating alienating behaviours and working with high-conflict relationships at the Family Separation Clinic in London, she pursued accreditation in conflict dispute resolution in Oxford. She serves as a court-appointed expert in parent-child interventions in the Maltese Family Court. She is a part-time lecturer at the University of Malta, Faculty of Education, and a research supervisor in the Department of Counselling. Claire Francica is a diploma candidate in child, adolescent and adult psychoanalysis at the CG Jung Institute in Kusnacht, Zurich.
Birgit Soubiers

Symbolic Therapist, Coach, Trainer
Languages: Dutch, German, English, some French
Within the Jungian orientation I work with couples, individuals and professionals. Together we explore the problematic stuckness and look for ways (of thinking, feeling, being aware and/or through intuition) to get life, love or work flowing again.
Truly encountering life takes a lot of courage, mustering trust in it, its meaning and its way also. Having a good talk about it can uplift both the client and the therapist.
As a former journalist and teacher I just loved the conversations. Questioning life, our motives and our visions makes us refine our thoughts and feelings. Every encounter gives us a little more insight in who we are and why we act and with what goals.
Flow (by Mihail Csikszentmihalyi)
Nonviolent Communication (by Marshall B. Rosenberg)
Gifts Compass (by James Johnston)
Family Constellations (by Bert Hellinger)
Jungian Psychology, Mythology and Tarot (by Karen Hamaker-Zondag)
Amalia Elsa Maria Carli, PhD

Jungian Analyst Diploma Candidate, C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich
Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Norwegian, English
PhD Psychotherapy and Spirituality, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona
MA Psychology, Oslo University
Clinical Specializations in Children and Youth Psychotherapy and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Adults.
I was born in Argentina but live in Norway since 1977 where I work as a clinical psychologist in state financed private practice. I work at my office and online with adults and youth. My clients come from all continents, diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, and may speak in different languages. Witnessing personal development in clients is a privilege I feel thankful to be part of.
In later years I have been interested in the integration of a spiritual dimension in psychotherapy, as well as in validating clients´ own spiritual concerns. This brought me to do a PhD on the matter, published as Spirituality in Psychotherapy How do Psychotherapists Understand, Navigate, Experience and Integrate Spirituality in their Professional Encounters with Clients? (Sidestone Publ., 2020).
The dissertation process brought me to the work ofC.G. Jung. After a long career as a psychotherapist, lecturer and supervisor I now enjoy being a student again at the Carl Jung Institute in Zurich. I appreciate the value of C.G. Jung´s wide approach to understanding the human psyche and his integration of ancient mythology, alchemy, fairy tales as well as modern physics and contemporary knowledge. At the same time Jung offers concrete and practical tools, like dream interpretation, active imagination and the analysis of psychological types, in a manner that allows individuals to work with unconscious material and access dormant resources in a creative way.
Among the many resources Carl G. Jung has made available for personal and organizational development is the work with psychological types, and the Gift Compass facilitates its application in a fascinating and comprehensive manner, creating a meaningful journey towards wholeness.
In my spare time I enjoy being in contact with nature, dancing, painting, making food, living a simple life.
Arash Golnam

Jungian Analyst Diploma Candidate, C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich
Languages: English, French, Farsi
Ph.D. Systems Science, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
M.S. System Dynamics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
I am Iranian-Swiss, living in Lima, Peru with my Italian wife, where I have my private psychoanalysis practice. I have worked as a university lecturer, mathematical modeler, consultant, and engineer. I am enthusiastic about muti-disciplinary approaches to inquiry into the world of the unconscious. To this end, I combine insights from systems science, mythology, astrology, Persian mystic poetry, and indigenous healing practices of Peru. In my free time, I compose songs on the guitar and write poetry.
Marcin Bartnicki

Psychotherapist-in-training, Polish Association of Analytical Psychology
Languages: Polish, English
MA, Law, University of Warsaw
Postgraduate, EU Competition Law, King's College, London
Vice-President, Polish Association of Analytical Psychology
I live in Warsaw, Poland, where I have my private psychotherapy practice. I have also worked as a lawyer, an English language lecturer, a wedding limousine chauffeur and a trustee of a charitable historical foundation. Within the field of Jungian psychology, I am particularly fascinated by the multidisciplinary approach, which embraces and reinterprets broad areas of human activity, including such interests of mine as world religions and spirituality, mediaeval mysticism, Western esotericism, folklore and mythology, history, philosophy, music and art.
In my spare time I like to dabble in monastic iconography and calligraphy, play piano, practice Tai chi, listen to opera and participate in amateur theatre.
Bartosz Samitowski

Certified Jungian Analyst, International Association for Analytical Psychology
Languages: Polish, English
Certified Jungian Analyst, International Association for Analytical Psychology
Certified Psychotherapist, Polish Association of Analytical Psychology
President of the Association of Jungian Analysts in Poland
Vice-President of the Polish Federation of Psychotherapy
PhD Candidate, Culture and Religion Studies, University of Warsaw
MA, Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw
I'm a Jungian analyst, training supervisor and psychotherapist, working in private practice in Warsaw, Poland. I'm especially interested in the initiatic and spiritual aspects of analytical psychology that are part of what Jung called "individuation", as well as in mythology, philosophy and creativity. I'm a regular teacher of psychotherapy. I completed the individual training path in the International Association of Analytical Psychology and obtained my diploma as Jungian Analyst in 2016 in Kyoto, Japan. As a cultural anthropologist, I'm currently writing my PhD thesis on social dreaming in Poland in the years 2020-2022 at the University of Warsaw. I run a small publishing house Therapeutes specializing in Jungian books. I'm also a music producer (nominated to the major Polish music award "Fryderyk" for a collaboration with Kasai titled "Equals: Kattegat Session" in the cathegory of "Best Alternative Album of the Year 2021"). I hold the third level instructor level in a Malaysian Chinese martial art I Liq Chuan.
Anne-Liis Lääne-Sáez

Personal and Professional Coach
Languages: Estonian, English, French
B.A. Intl Business Administration, Tallinn Technical University
am an Estonian-Finnish woman living with my Chilean-American husband and two multi-cultural children in neutral Geneva, Switzerland. My professional background is principally in the education and health-care industry in both the for profit and the not-for-profit sectors in North America and Europe.
Currently, besides coordinating trainings for Gifts Compass I work at a cancer support center and run a coaching practice.
I am passionate about promoting the comprehension of psychological types and the process of individuation, and highlighting their practical applications in various areas of life, whether on a personal or organizational setting.
Nicholas Toko

Jungian Analyst Training Candidate, ISAP Zurich
Languages: English
MA Jungian Studies, University of Essex
Postgraduate, Human Resource Management, University of Westminster
BA (Hons) International Business Studies and Spanish, Brunel University
I am also a freelance Organizational Effectiveness Consultant and blogger/podcaster at #JungianBitsofInformation at my website. I blog about concepts from Jungian Analytical Psychology to analyse people and organisations in depth and to reimagine ways of transforming organisations through people. I explore how the psychological type dispositions of the individual contribute to, or impede, business success. My aim is to help individuals to transform their personalities for personal, career or business success and to enable organisations to create a productive and harmonious workplace for their people.
United Kingdom
Lindsay Davies

Professional Development Consultant
Languages: English
PhD Psychological Types and Education, University of Nottingham
MA Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Sheffield
MSc Research Methods, University of Nottingham
PGCHE Nottingham Trent University
I have worked in teaching, research, and staff development roles in UK higher education for over 30 years and I’m a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My specialisms are curriculum design, delivery, and course management for professional learning.
My research explores how Jung’s psychological types can be seen as different yet complementary epistemic positions and I use these different ‘ways of knowing’ when working with clients in my clinical practice as an analytical hypnotherapist.
I’m also a Life Atlas Consultant and Gifts Compass Advisor, and I manage the Life Atlas Part I training.
Kevin Lim

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), UK
Languages: English, Chinese
PhD Physics, University of Cambridge
MRes Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, University of Cambridge
BSc (Hons) Chemistry, National University of Singapore
I am a Singaporean living in Cambridge, UK, working as a researcher in the physical sciences while returning to my creative and humanistic roots. In the final year of my PhD, an inner stream of inspiration burst forth and I started writing songs for the first time. I was called to embark on a journey to overcome decades of musical stage fright in solo singing. I now perform regularly at open mics and am recording my first album touching on themes of identity, meaning, and calling. GiftsCompass has flavoured my long-standing interests in psychology and personality with a particular fascination for Jung's concept of individuation in theory and practice. Combining this with my previous training as a coach, I enjoy exploring how we can each chart a personal path aligned with our dreams and gifts.
Dimitri Spiliotis, PsychD

Counseling Psychologist, Training Candidate C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich
Languages: English, Greek
Dr. Dimitri Spiliotis (PsychD) is a senior counselling psychologist with clinical experience in the public and private sectors, and has worked in different cultures over the last twenty years. Alongside his clinical practice he runs experiential workshops for organisations including Google and Zara, and individuals. He currently works in London and he is a diploma candidate at the C. G. Jung institute in Zurich. His clinical practice and research are focused on psychological well-being in the context of physical illness; identity development; sexuality; and personal values.
His interest in psychological types is part of his current studies and his clinical practice in helping clients gain a deeper understanding of factors that facilitate or hinder psychological wellbeing and growth.
United States
Dave Bonaiuto

Languages: English
Norman Wolfe

Consultant, Reverend (interfaith Minister)
Languages: English
Norman Wolfe is a leading voice in bringing about a transformation of the core paradigm of business. He is founder and CEO of Quantum Leaders, a strategy execution consulting company changing business to unleash the power of the human spirit.
He is a recognized expert in changing the way businesses work to more effectively and rapidly execute strategy. He brings a depth and groundedness to the art of leadership and creating corporate results that is rare, and often sees what others do not.
Throughout his career as a Chief Executive Officer, Corporate Director, and Advisor to CEOs, Norman Wolfe has successfully guided corporations through major transitions leading to substantial growth, market expansion and enhanced financial performance.
Norman’s lifelong passion has been to understand how we, as individuals and organizations, create results and manifest our destiny. This passion is brought to life through his own Soulful Purpose™ to transform organizations to support and enhance the dignity of the human spirit releasing the creative expression of the collective. The Living Organization® Trilogy is the part of that journey.
In 2011 he published the first book of the trilogy, The Living Organization: Transforming Business To Create Extraordinary Results. It is an amalgamation and refinement of the core principles of how the world works, applying it to how businesses can create extraordinary impact.
In 1988, after a successful 15-year career with Hewlett Packard, he started his own consulting firm advising CEOs in a variety of industries addressing a wide range of business challenges, from strategy to improving operations, from sales & marketing to mergers & acquisitions and turnarounds. In 2001 he founded and is currently Chairman and CEO of Quantum Leaders, a leading-edge consulting company focused on helping boards and CEOs improve strategy execution.
Norman travels the world speaking and training organizations and leaders on The Living Organization® and the way to transform organizations from machines of production to dynamic, creative living organizations. His company, Quantum Leaders provides offers The Living Organization System (TLOS™) to companies wanting to evolve to Living Organizations.
Career highlights include turning around two significantly underperforming divisions at Hewlett-Packard, chair of the Nominating/Governance Committee of the board of National Technical Systems (NTSC), a NASDAQ-traded engineering services company as well as serving on its Audit, Compensation and Acquisition committees. On the NTS board, he facilitated the difficult transition from founder leadership to professional CEO, advised the CEO on analyzing the market, uncovering opportunities that increased revenue 15% annually over a five-year period and in identifying margin improvement measures that boost earnings. Over his twelve-year tenure, NTS’ value has grown from $1.50 to $15 per share and was sold in Nov. 2013 for $23 per share.
He has also served as chairman for several nonprofits, helped build the board for a distributor of industrial electrical components, and served on numerous other private company boards.
He served as COO and Vice President of Operations for Select University Technologies, Inc. (SUTI), a pioneer in the field of incubating university technologies. SUTI provided the leadership to analyze market opportunities, develop the business plan, hire and support the leadership team to commercialize each technology. Mr. Wolfe also served as an advisor to the CEO of IEC Corporation another incubator of university technology.
Mr. Wolfe earned a BA in Mathematics from New York University in 1969. He was also ordained as an Interfaith Minister in 2008 from the New Seminary of Interfaith Studies in New York. Norman currently resides in Vancouver, WA with his wife Jane and their two dogs Robbie and Brandi.